Fit Fascia Workshops

With Aggie Winston and Jennifer Matthews

About the Workshops

This 2 for 1 workshop series combines Franklin Method® movement principles with Yamuna Body Rolling® (YBR) exercise techniques! Aggie Winston and Jennifer Matthews have both worked in restorative exercise for 20 years. Their unique integration of these methods will leave you feeling relaxed, informed and empowered!

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Workshop Location

To be announced

Need Help?

For assistance registering for a class, please call Aggie Winston:

(805) 768-4711

Fascia Workshops 2021 Please Check Back For Dates And Information

aggie-winstonAggie Winston

Aggie Winston, Studio Owner of Body Solve It in Westlake Village, teaches restorative exercise to improve posture, build a strong core and correct misalignments in the body. Aggie is professionally trained and certified to teach Yamuna Body Rolling, Pilates, Scolio Pilates, Buff Bones Pilates, Yoga and NeuroMovement. She specializes in teaching you how to release tension in your “fascia” or deep tissue and keep your body flexible, mobile and less prone to injury.


Jen MatthewsJen Matthews

Coach Jen Matthews is an ICF certified Performance Coach with her MA in Transpersonal Psychology. A personal trainer for 19 years and someone with chronic pain from sport, Jennifer emphasizes the practice of self-care with her clients. She is the creator of the Move Strong Mind Coaching Method, is a certified Franklin Method practitioner and uses a variety of restorative strength and conditioning techniques in her work.