Body Wise Programs
Learn about the many sessions we have to offer!Buff Bones® is a unique, Pilates-based mat workout developed by Rebekah Rotstein, that uses bone-strengthening techniques while focusing on alignment and balance.
It targets the butt, hips, arms and back, while giving the whole body a terrific workout. This dynamic class is adaptable and challenging for people of all levels, and is also safe for those with osteoporosis.
Yamuna Body Rolling teaches you how to properly train the body to prevent and repair damage to our “system of stability” and build elasticity and resilience into the system.
The idea that we lock our feet up all day and then do nothing for them once we are out of shoes is crazy!
We stretch and work out the rest of the body and yet the feet, are left out of most fitness programs.
Experience a gentle start, an intelligent approach, and lasting results to a better body. Created by Marie-Jose’ Blom, Pilates Master Trainer & Core Intelligence Specialist.
Her motto is “Making movement easy while putting ease into daily movement.”