Buff Bones®

Bone-strengthening techniques focused on alignment and balance

A Dynamic Class for People of All Levels

Looking for a fun, challenging workout that builds your bones and boosts your balance? Searching for new ways to improve your posture while energizing and toning your body? Want to spice up a Pilates routine to work your feet, use weights and integrate your entire body?

Buff Bones® is a unique, Pilates-based mat workout developed by Rebekah Rotstein, that uses bone-strengthening techniques while focusing on alignment and balance.

It targets the butt, hips, arms and back, while giving the whole body a terrific workout. This dynamic class is adaptable and challenging for people of all levels, and is also safe for those with osteoporosis.

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“Buff Bones® is a very effective resource to help maintain alignment and bone health for a lifetime.” –Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician & New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“Rebekah has provided us with an excellent resource to continue to improve America’s bone health.” –Richard Carmona, M.D., 17th U.S. Surgeon General