Yamuna Body Rolling®
Imagine experiencing more energy and strength with flexibility!Yamuna Body Rolling® Restores Your Body
Imagine feeling longer, leaner and stronger!
How does it work?
Yamuna Body Rolling® is a revolutionary approach to health and fitness using 6-10 inch balls designed exclusively for this practice.
YBR goes far beyond other small ball methods to release muscle restrictions by working specific muscles in detail to create suppleness in tight areas and optimize range of motion. YBR is a workout, a chiropractic adjustment and a massage all in one. It builds elasticity and resilience into your system for life-changing results.
Why is Yamuna Body Rolling® superior to other methods of performing deep tissue release on your body?
YBR re-educates muscle and stimulates bone, creating positive, permanent and beneficial changes in the body.
From head to toe your body is formed with Fascia (connective tissue) creating a “net” that wraps throughout your muscles. As the saying goes “you’re only as strong as your weakest link”, and your tightly bound fascia may be that weak link.
Tension in your fascia net can create long term damage, including muscle imbalances, repetitive muscle stress and faulty movement producing pain.
Body Rolling in Action
Explore Yamuna Body Rolling
Learn what performer Sting has to say about body rolling (click here to read the Seattle Times article) or check out Yamuna Zake’s website (click here to visit); Zake is the creator of the body rolling method.
Choosing the Right Session
Private Sessions are recommended whenever possible to facilitate learning the most effective routines that will address your specific needs. But if time and cost make a class format more practical, please check out the Workshop/Class schedule to find an upcoming group to learn what YBR can offer you and bring a friend!

Who is considered a ‘good candidate’ to practice body rolling?
Do you do extreme or “killer workouts” that produce pain, muscle tension, compression and inflammation?
It may be counter productive to getting stronger. Over time it can result in less strength and fitness level and possibly lead to injury. YBR improves your overall performance and offsets the stress you put on your body.
Do you sit in a chair all day or consider yourself a “couch potato”?
YBR helps counter the painful effects of too little movement by decompressing your spine while giving your core an amazing workout.
Do you enjoy playing golf, tennis, cycling, distance running, soccer, baseball, dancing, Pilates or yoga?
YBR improves your performance allowing you to get the most out of what you love to do and want to do even better for a lifetime.